Starting point: Göriach
Distance: 8,6 km
Lowest/Highest point: 1.175/1.424 m
Total gains: 285 vm

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16 Göriacher Hüttendorf Route

Tour Description

Start in Göriach / Wassering - in the direction of  Gasthof Lacknerhof – after the bridge, slightly uphill – left at the intersection (KM 1.5) and continue to the Ederhütte – follow the gravel road to the Göriach Hut Village – trail ends ca. 100 meters after the huts –  back via the same route.

Hut along the route
Hansalhütte (1420 m) / Hut Village in Göriachtal 

Tip: Bike & Hike
Landawirseen and Landawirseehütte
Starting point is the end of the bike route at the Göriach Hut Village. Path No. 775 will bring you to the Landwawirseehütte (open ca. mid-June until the end of September). Passing the hut, you will come to the smaller Lower Landawirsee at 1977m and the bigger Upper Landawirsee at 2047m. Actual walking time: ca. 2 hours.

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