05 Trogalm Route

Tour Description

Start in Mauterndorf / church - at KM 0.3 meets the B 99 - turn right - at KM 1.3, make a right to Begöriach - gravel road from KM 1.6 by a gate – constantly uphill through several hairpin bends - at KM 7.0, iron gate with a stile – highest point reached shortly after (1538 m) - at KM 7.6, uphill to the right
Peterbaueralm variant: at KM 10.2, continue left as far as the Peterbaueralm - keep right to the highest point (1820 m) - gentle downhill to the Trogalm
Grosseck variant: make a left at the Trogalm - towards the Trogalmseen – before the lakes, steeply uphill to the right and the Panorama Alm - then left to the Grosseck weather cross – trail ends (ca. 2.3 km + 264 vm)  - from the Trogalm continue to the Sonnenalm - and as far as KM 12.5, then down the forestry road to the fork (KM 16.7, wellhead) - continue right as far as the paved road - gate - Mauterndorf / church.

Huts along the route

Peterbauer Almstub`n (1.910 m) / Speiereck
Panorama Alm (1.980 m) / Grosseck  (Variante Grosseck)
Speiereckhütte (2.066 m) / Grosseck  (Variante Grosseck)

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