Starting point: Mauterndorf
Distance: 18,4 + 0,8 km
Lowest/Highest point: 1.123 /1.424 m
Total gains: 472 + 11 vm
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07 Landtschfeld Route
Tour Description
Start in Mauterndorf / church – head straight west – a steeper climb begins – at the intersection (wellhead) turn right (KM 1.4) gently downhill
Ski Center variant: After crossing the piste, make a right, then steeply downhill to the car park – next to the car park, then left onto a gravel road – continue until you meet up with the Lantschfeld route – mixture of brief up- and downhills – after the Annakapelle (chapel, KM 4.8) continue straight, to the left of the Taurach - past the Seefeldner and over the Taurach to the main road (KM 7.3), turn left at ca. KM 8.5 onto the bike path and leave the main road – follow the bike path to Tweng – take the main road through Tweng - after ca. 400 m, turn left over a wooden bridge - on the gravel road, twice keep right– past the Postalm – junction just before the Mühlthaleralm, stay right - at ca. KM 16.1, turn left off the forestry road onto a path leading to the Lantschfeldbach - cross the stream - then steeply uphill to a forestry road, making a left - Mühlthaleralm, where you immediately reach the farthest point of the tour - back via the same route.
Hut along the route
Schi Alm (1.100 m) / Schizentrum Mauterndorf (Variante Schizentrum)