Flying in Salzburg's Lungau
Lungau from a bird's-eye perspective
Truly an experience of a special kind, if you can see the Lungau from a bird's eye view.
Whether it's tandem flights with a paraglider, an exploration tour with a glider or model flying - there are plenty of opportunities.
Austria's highest airfield
Mauterndorf airfield at an elevation of 1,110 m is Austria's highest gliding airfield and is thus the ideal starting point for glider flights.
Offer: free Internet access, hangars (also year-round for a package price)
Open: basic PPR required May 15 to August 31, 9 a.m., ECT to SS depending on weather
Information: T +43 (0)6472 7329 & +43 (0)676 9662600
Model airplane flying
One of Austria's most beautiful airfields for model airplanes is located in Unternberg Moosham at en elevation of 1,025 m and is open daily from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. There are ideal conditions for large models and aero towing (our own tow plane), with hillside launches also possible.
Information: T +43 (0)6474 6211
Paragliding - Tandem flights
There's no gentler way to glide above Lungau's mountain world than with the paragliding team from St. Michael. You will launch either from the Speiereck high above St. Michael or from the Aineck high above St. Margarethen.
Information: Sebastian Grübl T +43 (0)664 4367274, Kurt Pirker T +43 (0)664 2768551