Theater, Concerts & Painting Courses
Art & culture also play a big role in Salzburger Lungau. The Lungau Cultural Association, in particular, is dedicated to ensuring that the cultural aspects of Salzburger Lungau enjoy the prominence they deserve.
Here you will find information about theater, concerts and painting courses in Salzburger Lungau - everything guaranteed to set the pulses of art aficionados racing in anticipation.
Lungau Cultural Association
The Lungau Cultural Association is a non-profit in Salzburg that annually organizes and hosts around 300 events, projects, special programs and its own productions for the enjoyment of some 15,000 guests.
Painting Academy with Prof. Reinhard Sampl
Lungau artist Prof. Reinhardt Sampl has achieve national and international acclaim with his pictures. During the Summer Painting Academy, he shares insights into the "art of painting": Various watercolor techniques, from wet-on-dry to wet-on-wet, are learned, while subjects include landscapes, farmhouses as well as flowers. The pictures are then discussed afterwards.
to website of Painting Academy