Whether by car or eco-friendly by bus or train - all paths lead to Salzburger Lungau.

Here you will find all the information you need to plan your travel to Salzburger Lungau perfectly.

"All paths lead to Salzburger Lungau"

Arrival by car

From the north

Autobahn Munich - Salzburg, A10 Tauern Autobahn
to exit St. Michael (Mautstelle)
Alternative: A10 to the Ennstal exit, then toll-free on
the B99 via Radstadt and Obertauern

From the east

Vienna - Semmering - Leoben - Unzmarkt - Murau - Ramingstein
Vienna A1 / West Autobahn to Salzburg - A10 Tauern Autobahn
to exit St. Michael (Mautstelle)
Alternative: Vienna - A1 / West Autobahn to Salzburg - A10 to the Ennstal exit, then toll-free on the B99 via Radstadt and Obertauern

From the south

Autobahn (autostrada) Udine - Tarvisio - Villach (A10 Tauern Autobahn) - Katschberg Tunnel - exit St. Michael (Mautstelle)
Alternative: Autobahn (autostrada) Udine - Tarvisio - Villach (A10) - Rennweg exit, then toll-free over the Katschberg to St. Michael

Toll stickers to use the Austrian autobahns

  Car (Vehicle with a
maximum gross vehicle
weight of up to 3.5 t)
10-day sticker € 11,50 € 4,60
2-month sticker € 28,90 € 11,50
Annual sticker € 96,40 € 38,50

Available at all "Trafik" shops, petrol stations as well as ADAC, ÖAMTC and Asfinag sales outlets.

More information about autobahn toll charges in Austria

Arrival by bus and train

From the east and south

From Vienna, Graz, Klagenfurt on ÖBB trains to Unzmarkt and from there
on the Murtalbahn to the main town in the region, Tamsweg

OEBB train information 

Luggage service ÖBB

From the north

By train to the station in Bischofshofen or Radstadt, then by Postbus
or by means of Salzburger Lungau shuttle services.

Timetable information for Salzburg Verkehr

Arrival by cab

Cab company Adress Phone number website
Maier Taxi 5580 Tamsweg,  Marktplatz 5 +43 (0)660 110 10 10 taxi.lungau.at
Villa Taxi 5571 Mariapfarr, Bruckdorf 469 +43 (0)664 135 03 00 villataxi.at 
Lungau.Taxi e.U. 5582 St. Michael, Gewerbestraße 451 +43 (0)676 311 83 11 lungau.taxi
Bacher Reisen GmbH

5580 Tamsweg, Kuenburgstraße 9
5582 St. Michael, Marktstraße 94

+43 (0)6474 7130
+43 (0)6477 8111

Reisebüro Bruno Lankmayer 5571 Mariapfarr, Pfarrstraße 21

+43 (0)664 4405456
+43 (0)6473 8246

Taxi Katschberg 5582 St. Michael, Katschberghöhe 334

+43 (0)7200 77777
