When autumn comes, a special time begins
Especially during the autumn season from mid-August to the end of October, nature in Salzburg's Lungau presents itself in its most magnificent colors.
Sunny autumn days with pleasant temperatures invite you to hikes and mountain tours with unforgettable landscape impressions. "Bauernherbst" in Salzburg's Lungau means celebrating typical festivals together, enjoying Lungau delicacies and experiencing customs up close!
Many restaurants offer "special" dishes and drinks on their own menus during the "Bauernherbst" period. It almost goes without saying that the products come from the region and are therefore particularly fresh and of high quality. Thus the catering trade enterprises in the Lungau stand during that time completely in the indication of the "Lungauer Eachtling" (so the Lungauer call their potatoes), and the "Schöpsernen" (Roast of the Alpine sheep), two products, for which the Lungau is well-known far beyond its borders. But also specialties from the local game are a must for every gourmet.
"We value our Lungau traditions, festivals and customs !"